Fabulous! Exceeds Expectations... A Must-Watch Through and Through...
3 October 2022
As a die-hard fan of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which I think cannot be bested in any way whatsoever, it was really hard for me to put myself into the mood to watch The Rings of Power. I'd go ahead and be honest and say that none of the teasers and trailers of Amazon's billion-dollar magnum opus could impress me... not even in the slightest.

But then, I checked the reviews the day the first two episodes aired, and they weren't bad. So I decided to give it a shot. Till now, six episodes have aired, and I've watched them all... I can't tell you how wise it was of me to decide in favor of watching this series. The Rings of Power does not come close to Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. But it's AWESOME in its own right! Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT compare the two cinematic marvels.

First, I'll talk about the things that The Rings of Power cannot beat The Lord of the Rings at just so that those who read this review and decide on watching this series are mentally prepared. The cinematography is great, but it's not as great as Andrew Lesnie's masterful work. The original score is not even half as good as Howard Shore's, which is probably one of the greatest movie scores of all time. The characters are not as interesting as they were in LOTR. The same can be said about the story and performances by the huge ensemble.

Then what's left to praise?

1) Amazon has made sure that your jaws are hanging low once you start watching the first episode and that they remain that way till the very end. The production values are astonishing! The visual effects are of the very best quality and surpass some of the modern standards set by Hollywood.

2) I had a few qualms when I saw the trailers and noticed forced inclusivity and diversity in the show. Believe me, you don't mind that at all. I won't say that the casting is top-notch, but there are a few characters for you to root for. Halbrand (played by Charlie Vickers) is one of them. Arondir and Bronwyn are another two characters that hold your interest. And, dare I say, Adar (played by Joseph Mawle) is a magnificent character shrouded in the cloaks of mystery that keep your eyes glued to the screen.

3) The writers have brilliantly infused the series with scenes and sequences that will simply leave your stomach in knots and will make you watch the episode with bated breath. The tension is palpable, my friends. I will leave that upon you to find out what I mean on your own, but trust me on this... those nail-biting sequences start from the very first episode.

4) For those who have seen the sixth episode will relate to what I'm saying. Let's just say... this episode left the viewers and critics speechless. This is the episode that made people believe that Amazon's commitment to the show is not a fluke. It's real. This episode will make you gasp and will change your opinion on the entire show for sure.

The Rings of Power may not have a very strong storyline that would work in its favor, but it has terrific subplots in its pocket. It may not be the masterpiece The Lord of the Rings was, but it's thoroughly entertaining. And I can't wait to see the last episodes unfold. Heck, I can't wait for the next season. The writers at Amazon sure have some outstanding ideas in their minds, and I'm very eager to know how they translate on the screen.

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