Review of Sissy

Sissy (I) (2022)
Be careful who you bully....
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really wasn't sure how this film was going to pan out. I briefly read the synopsis then kind of forgot what it was about when I started watching it.

I thought Aisha Dee was fantastic in this. She embodied the role of the troubled Cecilia really well. And while she may be portrayed as the villain of the movie, I personally don't see her as the villain. I think this one film where you're either going to hate her and pray for her demise, or feel a sympathy for her.

Being bullied as a child has never left her. It's lead her to the job she does. She probably doesn't find it easy to make friends and we don't see her talking to any family or friends; all she has is her followers who she turns to for validation. To know that she is seen and heard and needed. That she is wanted. And this becomes an obsession to her. She puts on this front of being worthy to her followers but she lives in a tiny, messy apartment, drives a yellow car that her best friend always said she wanted; she is very socially awkward and not the person she makes herself out to be. She goes to Emma's engagement party and feels home again, making friends with Emma's new friends.

Until she encounters her old school bully at the hen weekend and Emma's new BFF, Alex. And it's like she's back in school again. The new friends don't know her, they know Alex. And so when Alex makes her hatred for Cecilia apparent, the friends are on Alex's side. Here Cecilia is face to face with bullies again. Even though they don't bully her outright, they tease her behind her back, make hurtful comments and laugh at Alex's snide comments.

I thought it was a great film. My only criticism was the score was annoying. Music playing through 90% of the movie, over the actors which sometimes made the dialogue quite difficult to hear. Not sure what the reasoning for that was but I didn't like it at all. It wasn't necessary to have music in certain points of the film. It ruined the atmosphere.

I enjoyed it. More of a thriller than a horror I'd say, but good.
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