Things don't look good
30 September 2022
It've been 5 episodes till now and the show keeps on disappointing, now don't get me wrong it's not a terrible show, but it's not good as well, it's just watchable. There are some really good characters in terms of performance, dialogues and their part of the story is interesting such as lord Elrond the elve and Durin the dwarf, their relationship is worth watching, with Elrond being the best character in the show . Galadrial on the other hand has a really weird writing her purpose makes zero sense her dialogues are lame and the performance is... I won't say bad i don't know who can play a character with this bad writing in a way that will actually make it bearable. The Hobbits part is fine not great but not bad, we are still half the way through the season so i won't judge the story but things don't look promising.

I don't know why they didn't spent a bigger portion of that 1 billion dollars they have been talking about for years on writing, the visual effects can vary from really good to just fine, but nothing outstanding.

So yeah the lord of the rings is disappointing till this moment which is episode 5, maybe the next episodes will prove me wrong, but until then iam not happy with it.
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