Review of Aldhani

Andor: Aldhani (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
I love the atmosphere of this show
28 September 2022
This show takes itself seriously and it is very refreshing. It doesn't need jedi or the force or huge battles to tell a convincing story. This is strictly a personal story. Some are nobodies, some are higher ups, and they're all looking for something.

My favorite parts in this episode involved the officers of the empire. Something about the sheer cleanliness of the atmosphere and the strict demeanors of the officers draws me in. I am very excited to see how that plot line progresses.

From what I've seen, Mon Mothma is the only familiar character so far. And this show proves that you don't need familiar faces to tell a compelling Star Wars story.

My only gripe is that the weekly release schedule might hurt the viewing experience for some.

Overall, I'm excited for the future of this show.
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