Andrew Schulz: Infamous (2022 TV Special)
Better marketer than comedian
28 September 2022
Shulz spun a huge story that streaming services wouldn't pick up this special because his jokes were too controversial. I was drawn to watching this as there are some pretty edgy jokes on specials like Chappelle's that weren't censored. Watching Shulz special I actually believe it didn't get picked up because it just wasn't good enough. Not a single joke was original, controversial and I didn't laugh once. It was a mediocre special that was marketed as some ground breaking controversial feat. He also conned his fans into buying it on the streaming service and used ploys like a hacker had stolen it to really push this special. Charging 15 dollars for this? I would feel very ripped off especially since comedians like Louis CK sold theirs years before this for $5.

The only groundbreaking new territory this guy covered was jamming a gambling ad right in the middle of his special. To be honest I've never seen a comedian stoop so low for cash as to break up their special to do that.

Overall, I would not recommend this special. Don't be fooled by the YouTube comments. I think they're paid bots and so are the accounts liking those comments.

Shulz is a marketer disguised as a comedian.
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