Review of Aldhani

Andor: Aldhani (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Developing the intrigue
28 September 2022
Cassian prepares for his first mission.

This is another strong episode that lays solid foundations for what is to come.

The best scenes for me all take place on Coruscant and involve characters like Mon Mothma and settings like the security council. These scenes portraying the logistics and politics of both the rebellion and the security of the empire are excellent. For Star Wars fans who like certain blanks around the movies filled with purposeful world building, it is the stuff of nerdgasms.

Cassian's scenes introduce more characters and slow burn towards an event likely to happen in the next episode. For me they are not quite as interesting as the above, but they develop the character's arc very effectively.

Visually it continues the superb production designs of the show so far and we have more variation with the different settings on Coruscant.

All performances are strong, particularly Genevieve O'Reilly.
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