Review of Aldhani

Andor: Aldhani (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
From good to great
28 September 2022
In the last two episodes this show has gone from 'good' to 'great'.

The first two episodes of the series were a welcome departure from the standard Disney Star Wars formula but I disagree with those saying that it was a return to 'Star Wars', as the adult nature of the show and delicate dialogue do not hearken back to vintage Star Wars for me.

Episode 3 and 4 still don't have a vintage Star Wars tone, they very much so have their own tone, but the writing, directing, and acting are so good that I simply don't care.

The script is nuanced, as are the characters. The B cast, in particular, are utterly brilliant, being filled out by a host of British stage and TV actors, all of whom could and have lead productions, lending their immeasurable skills to background characters. This adds so much realism and flavour to the show.

It should also come as no surprise but Stellan Skarsgård is an utter joy. In a sea of great performances, his wave crests highest.

If the show can keep up this trajectory, it will be comfortably the best Star Wars content that Disney have produced.
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