The X-Files: Chimera (2000)
Season 7, Episode 16
Frantically desperate housewives.
23 September 2022
A woman is killed soon after seeing a harrowing figure reflected in glass, Mulder investigates.

Very good episode, it's a plot that could have been made into a Disney film, albeit one with slightly toned down visuals.

It has felt like such a long time since we've had a witchcraft, or even a vibe of it. I liked the vibe of the episode, squeaky clean, respectable society, mixed up with lies, vice and terrifying figure.

It was nice to see Mulder having a solo case for a change, Scully was reasonably well sidelined, but she did provide a couple of laughs.

Super strong visuals once again, that figure was very well realised, a pretty terrifying sight. I do love a group of ravens, they're not always portrayed in the best possible way, super smart birds. Some great action sequences too, it is very well produced.

I was saddened to read that Gina Mastrogiacamo, who played the part (incredibly well) of Jenny, died just one year later, 39 years of age, very sad.

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