The Castle (1968)
A Kafkaesque experience - in the most pedestrian meaning of the word
22 September 2022
This is a TV movie, made at a time, when the "Theatre of the Absurd" still managed to entertain people. The TV people probably thought: "The story doesn't make any sense at all, but it is completely absurd. So we are good."

The story: A stranger comes into a village with secretive, hostile and bureaucracy obsessed residents. Everything turns out to be deceptions and lies. Or just utter nonsense. He doesn't achieve anything. Still he is hellbent on staying there.

Watching this screen adaption of Kafka's novel is like reading one of the absurdist plays by Eugène Ionesco. It's a pointless chore done for school. It is bleak, dull and every kind of meaning people attribute to it is completely arbitrary. But it is also a product of its time and not without value. It shows how not to do a screen adaption, especially if you want to create a work that can be enjoyed without knowledge of the source material. 4/10.
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