A VERY Selfish Man !!!
20 September 2022
I'm an American who certainly wants Medicare-For-All, but for me this film is about a VERY Selfish Man who wasted the last good years of his life fighting for a public cause instead of being with his family instead. Throughout the movie, you see this man get weaker and more deteriorated as he runs around the nation, wasting what potential he had left on strangers who he didn't even know, while denying his family of the Quality Time that he could've spent with them. On some level, this man suffered from Delusions of Grandeur, seeing himself as literally a "Hero", rather than the Family Man who he really was. No doubt his quixotic journey was aided by his Air Head College Professor Wife, who inspired him to go on making speeches and traveling around, instead of putting her foot down to force him to be with his family instead, as ANY decent mother and wife would have done. Ady Barkhan is a FOOL, and his wife is even a Bigger FOOL to let him get away with ignoring his family responsibilities while he still had the ability to effectively interact with his family. Aside from this Sob Story about this man's life, notice that all the causes that he fought for never came to fruition anyway. In other words, all his activism yielded NOTHING anyway. It was a Waste of Time that could've been better spent with his family during the deterioration of his body. I've never been a fan of Soap Operas, and THAT is All this story is.
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