Nightwish (1989)
Nightwish plunges the viewer into a nightmare world.
20 September 2022
Simply from the opening scene, I knew there was going to be a twist to the movie at the end, and I was right. Only, it was a rather interesting twist, twist.

'Nightwish' is the stuff nightmares are made of - literally in this case, and it was quite wonderful, actually. Four students - who are part of a dream experiment - and their somewhat mysterious Professor - simply known as Professor - go to a secluded, dilapidated mansion to conduct séances in the hopes of conjuring the psychic entity within the building.

Off course, things go horribly wrong, but not nearly in a predictable, clichéd manner we've become accustomed to in 80s horrors. The film is pretty unpredictable and some of the characters indeed go through agony and terrible, nightmarish incidents. The practical effects are gross, but exceptionally well done - typical of 80s horror movies, well before CGI took over.

The performances nor the dialogue are not the greatest, but I thought Brian Thompson did a great job, in a small role. Another actor in a small role who did a very good job, was Robert Tessier as Stanley. Stanley is a somewhat intellectually challenged man who assists Professor, but he has a devious and twisted mind.

The film plunges the viewer smack bang into a nightmare world and these dream-like sequences were very well done. I also liked the setting in the house, which was built on top of an old mine, with the mine now serving as the house's basement.

As mentioned, there's an interesting twist. But wait, there's more still...
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