Once again a peculiar brand of perversity pervades . . .
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . what's being billed as children's programming, as images threatening and actually performing modification of masculine areas of privacy are depicted repeatedly in the deplorable FINE FEATHERED FRIEND. Rapacious rodent Jerry TWICE threatens to lop off frail feline Tom's family gems with a set of giant shears, bringing to mind a key scene from one of TOBACCO ROAD author E-r-s-k-i-n-e Caldwell's lesser novels. In their day, these paperback tomes were banned from many school libraries. With censorship on the rise in Today's America, how is it that pernicious pictures such as this one are still out there to corrupt young kids?! This deformed discharge peters out with the title character actually shaving Tom's nether region with the aforementioned shears. How sick is that?
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