Review of It Hatched

It Hatched (2021)
If you can stand the first 15 minutes, then you might try the rest of the film
19 September 2022
At first I thought: what the hell is this? The acting was wooden, the scenes needlessly drawn out in order to convey simple things, the budget minimal. It felt like a student film. Funny enough, I thought it was a film about a T-Rex hatching, that's another film entirely, and I was waiting for the moment the baby is going to turn into a dinosaur. Needless to say, it did not, however it gave me the time to get into the story and the acting, with the lilting Icelandic accents, so I started to get it.

To me, it felt like a metaphor for having a child. It drops out of nowhere, demanding all kinds of changes in behavior and acceptance of things that are just not normal. And everybody is trying really hard to pretend things are normal, but they're not, because there is an extra a-hole in the house. Towards the end, the story veers to the woman, who after birthing and taking care of a child, now has to contend with the increasingly erratic behavior of the man, leading to a sort of ridiculous version of The Shining. The ending was, frankly, totally superfluous.

Now, was it a good movie? It was weird, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I guess a lot of the details got lost in translation for me. In the end it felt like a bunch of ideas that were never polished and somehow got thrown together in the same film. Curious to know what those runes meant. Probably something related to baby formulas.
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