High Life (2018)
What was I supposed to get from this
18 September 2022
I'm not very familiar with Denis's other work, so I went into this movie with no real expectations. After having seen it, I don't know if I'll be rushing to see her other films.

This wasn't a disaster by any stretch. For starters, all the acting was mostly really good. I love Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, and Mia Goth, and seeing André 3000 in a new movie was pretty cool. The concept on its own is interesting.

There's quite a bit holding this back for me, though. One big issue is the visual effects work. Some of it is genuinely embarrassingly bad. Another problem I have is the storytelling, which, if I had to describe it in one word, it'd be "messy." We get a brief scene on Earth suddenly for some exposition, and then we never revisit those characters or that setting again. It just seems out of place. By the end of it, I felt like I was supposed to have felt something really profound, but I didn't.

The biggest problem I have with this movie is that it feels empty. There are some good scenes here and there, but overall I don't really get the point it's trying to make (if it even is trying to make a point).

(Side Note: in the movie, it's explained that all the people on the ship are, like, "addicted" to the weird sex chamber, but the only time we see the inside of it is when Juliette Binoche goes into it. Unless the room has different equipment for all of the ship's passengers, I doubt everyone's into that. Idk, I just don't think most straight guys would want what Juliette Binoche was getting done to her done to them. No kink shaming, and I know everyone's different, but still...it's a very particular set of "equipment," so are all of them just into that? This doesn't even matter and I don't know why I'm thinking about it this much.)
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