Shetland: Episode #7.6 (2022)
Season 7, Episode 6
HA - I did a review of THIS episode but posted it in Season 7.1
15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This the review for Episode 6 of season 7

I started laughing after 2 minutes into this episode (Recap and Intro included) - And the more it became absolutely unrealistic the more I laughed, so definitely has to be recast as a comedy.

It's so conspicuous that Perez-Henshall gestalt only exists mainly for the camera only, and secondarily for his buddies cum actors, enemies cum actors, landscape cum Shetland, that calling this acting is an insult to the profession. He is SO concerned for humanity, the viewers, and probably even alien life, but first essentially for himself-playing-the-role-right-with-the-perfect-frown. The amount of coincidences is galactical, The fact that the special forces dedicated to antiterrorism have to rely on the local police force in "slow motion knowledge mode" for information as to which target might be next, is just so utterly absurd that I wonder how they could keep serious playing their parts (mostly getting out of cars, or getting back into it in full gears all the time, they must have slept in it)

But wait, I'm not done yet, at 18'40 something Perez morphs into James Bond! Yes, yes, yes! At this point I was waiting for Dr No, Blofeld, or any new omnipotent malevolent incarnation of "the evil forces of this world" to land into the show.

Writers!, I was extremely disappointed when they didn't come.

Anyway, one minute into the car chase Perez-Bond calls the "Centre" to let them know well, he's chasing the archvillain by himself alone, because really he is just Perez and sixty second of Bondesquitude is enough. They all come in numbers, lots and lots and lots of cars, don't know the brand though, you? And the chase ends up like a wet firecracker (pétard mouillé).

INTERLUDE - the sea is really really really beautiful - the waves, the wind, the green of the land, the peculiar colour of the ocean, fantastic - End of INTERLUDE.

So all of this ends up close to the cliff. I'm not going further in the description. Just one thing though, I did a screenshot of the very handsome eye of a special force sniper : green/hazelnut, very sweet, very sexy, huh, no sorry, rewind, very fierce and very determined.

2 stars for the super relaxing laughing effect 1 star for the magnificent landscape, I envy your fresh air guys!

For those of you who really liked it, I am deeply sorry, I don't wish to offend you. It just didn't work AT ALL for me.
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