Since when is "Social" Media Factual?
15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had very mixed feeling when I first saw the trailer for this.

Baring in mind, this all started happening post his divorce and the MeToo Movement.

It faded away during the pandemic to then be reignited, but for what purpose?

If we have learnt anything from the Depp vs Heard trial, is that regardless of who cries wolf first, we cannot simply assume who the is victim and who is the perpetrator.

Just like that trial, the media ate it right up and within days the news was full of unverified statements, distorted truths, exaggerated events and clout seeking tiktokers/reporters. Many of which took those as the holy grail as though they were 100% factual.

One could say it's very easy to make statements about someone who doesn't defend themselves or deny those claims (eg Johnny Depp, didn't say anything for months, years even).

It was only when given the correct opportunity to bring to light his version of events that people chose to listen and when they did - many didn't realise the real depth/seriousness of the situation and how much the media had mislead them to believe certain statements over others.

From what I gathered from this documentary, is that Armie has a kink.

One that is quite specific and "somewhat" more than your usual BDSM kink.

Regardless, I felt as though through the texts that he sent and the way he spoke. He made his intentions pretty evident and his "red flags" where dangling in clear view when he approached these women.

They were all consenting adults. It's down to you whether you chose to ignore them purely because he's famous and you're hoping he will help you out with your career or because you think he's not that "serious" or that you can "change" him.

Let's be real - the flags were evident.

Despite reading the texts he sends them and feeling uncomfortable with them, they continue to encourage and pursue him.

I feel that at any point they could have said no and simply blocked him.

One even states that she didn't say no and told him she didn't feel comfortable, yet still chose to spend the night in the same hotel room instead of leaving or getting another room.

Every time they introduce someone new, that person states their instagram handle and they show their account.

This is why I couldn't take it seriously, it's like they're playing a game with someone's reputation all while trying to gain clout over some serious accusations - which have not been proven.

It just feels like they were all into it until they weren't.

The backstory of his family is interesting and it can somewhat explain his "kink/power play" but just because someone comes from a specific type of background does not mean that they are a copy/paste of their relatives.

In the end, I felt more empathy towards him as the documentary seemed to shame his kink (which he informed them of prior to meeting) and labelled him the same as someone who is a mass murderer.

This documentary highlights the issues with cancel culture, trial by social media and is based solely on clout seekers and hear-say.
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