Ruined what should have been a good episode by attacking a deceased woman.
14 September 2022
Regarding his rant regarding the Queen's death; when Joe Biden (US), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Emmanuel Macron (France), Arif Alvi (Pakistan), and Jacinda Ardern (NZ) agree with one another over Queen Elizabeth's death and role, yet John Oliver and his team of writers decide to be deliberately offensive, it shows something is very wrong with the cast & crew in terms of their social bubbles.

John Oliver - a presenter who's built a career by attacking 'privileged' people, despite attending the University of Cambridge (placing him in the top 0.1% of the UK) - continues to be obtuse, and shows just how out of touch he is.

To provide perspective, (the new) King Charles III and John Oliver attended the same highly-elite (and highly-expensive) university.

Finally, returning to the point, four of the countries I listed are republics, and the other has a Prime Minister whose election manifesto was partly based on abolishing the monarchy.

When Vladimir Putin demonstrates a better understanding of human emotion and understanding of Queen Elizabeth's global role, well... HBO should be embarrassed.

Overall, an episode that could have been great, ruined by Oliver's arrogance.
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