Been waiting for a show like this
14 September 2022
I hear this is based on a game?

Well anyways, I've never played it. It was probably one of the best short run animes I've ever seen. No random useless episodes or scenes, but the character development was off the charts. I can hardly remember names of people, places, or things, but this show had me emotionally invested in every character to the point that if someone wasn't In a scene, I'd wonder what the hell happened to them. I actually signed up for imbd just to write this.

I binged it in a day and I had so many important things I had to do. I don't know if the storyline is finished, but if it isn't, I'll be on my toes waiting for any news of a continuation. At least I finished the show today, I'll be extra busy tomorrow. I wish more shows could be like this. Most shows nowadays have several main but forgettable characters.
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