Unsilenced (2021)
Shallow, cliched, badly scripted, directed and acted
12 September 2022
I was shocked to see so many high praises for this mediocre movie. Maybe its a political correct trendy thing to do as the evil Chinese Communist Party who reigns China and its 1.4 billion heavily brainwashed people with such an unforgivable iron clad domestic atrocity not just the Falun Gong believers but to its 99.999% citizens, treating them like sheep or even a lower species.

I've tried very hard to force me to watch this movie but finally had to give up due to its shallowness, its self-righteousness, and its hidden agenda, trying to earn more empathy from other free democratic countries. The thing that I'm not quite cool to those so-called Falun Gong believers or followers and at the same time so despise them is when I found out there are so many Chinese who illegally stay in the United States, Canada, Australia and some of the EU countries are using the excuse to seek political asylums in these countries. It seems suddenly all the illegal Chinese immigrants are Falun Gong believers, all of them were victimized by the evil CCP government, all of them more or less were being harassed, abused, condemned or imprisoned by their government, so they escaped from China, seeking political asylum. Those Chinese opportunist lawyers are getting so many business from these Chinese illegal immigrants by using the "Me Too" of The 3rd Kind to get Green Cards for them. These lawyers are making tons of money just doing this specialized Falun Gong Victims strategy to become rich, since all these people will pay them in cash, they don't even have to worry about filing the income tax.

Yes, Falun Gong is a humanitarian crisis, but on the other hand, it has also created a huge money-making opportunity for those lawyers (most are Chinese). Chinese who illegally stay in these countries and don't want to go back the China are using this opportunity to fool the immigration authorities to get permanent stay identities. Only those who might someday have to go back to China to see their families will not seek such unethical Political Refugee status, just in case the CCP government will arrest them when they go back.

This movie somehow is for the purpose of influencing these countries to allow more Chinese illegal immigrants to use this excuse to stay permanently, allowing them not only to stay but also can work, and furthermore, to allow them to get more of their relatives coming over to stay.

I've known and seen so many Chinese people to use such tricks to get Green Cards here in the U. S., and even more ridiculous, lot of them are CCP members!
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