Weather Woman Returns (1996 Video)
What worked from the first movie, gone-with & then-some!
12 September 2022
While the first movie has some stale/nothing-new scenes that dragged on for probably longer than they needed to in setting the setting and establishing CHRs,

this film doesn't need to do the same, and-so can spend more time on the absurdity/kookiness of the premise/romp, which climaxes well with another clash between the competitive hostesses,

which in-itself, could be enough to-turn most away from the film,

but that's like ... toooootally not-the-point, when it comes to producers/writers? Choosing to throw caution to the wind / taking off the rubber for a closer feel of WHY, this kind of absurdity/romp IS, funny, and not just misogynistic teenager-boy jerk off rubbish, by the time the two giants are fighting it out in the forest, especially, and the whole-unit ... mmm ... complete-package of their heroine? Mmm maybe that's a stretch,.. OK,.. entertainer-concepts,.. have to bring everything they've got to bear on-each-other - as in ... you could smell the pre-cum ending up your mates pants as you were watching it without anyone noticing, ( if you've got a nose for that sort of thing ) , when each has brought everything they're going to be able to, and you KNOW that what you're seeing is as good as it going to get at any point in the movie.

Some funny dom-absurdity scenes, with the standard-apologetic/sub businessmen ofc, and some maturity in the main chr, after she's learnt some lessons from the first movie.

A limited scope/plot, buuuuut what are you expecting?

Don't watch this if it's absurdity isn't what you were after.
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