The Guilty (2021)
So we'll done one situation film
12 September 2022
I didn't know that Denmark has big industry of film. Nicolas Winding Refn the director of 'Drive', Mads Mikkelsen, Lars Von Trier and so on. I watched American version but is based on a Danish film.

Perhaps there are this type of the suspense story which is people calling to someone to solve a case without going out. But I had never watched any film like this so it was so interesting and fresh for me and it makes the story more suspenseful and sophisticated. Not only that, in this film, most of the characters never come out in front of cameras and all you can see is just a man calling and he never goes out of a place.

From the first call the situation changes again and again, which goes with his personal situation and the big fire in California. It kept the tense atmosphere.

The setting is so simple and this film could be boring but it wasn't even just a man calling to people. The main character never goes out so the camera works are limited but it was elaborate. I like the shots over a phone lamp.

Jake Gyllenhaal was acting really well. His actions, facial expression and everything made this film tense a lot too. I could clearly imagine what's happening at the other side of the phone which was really cool and was because of his every single actions.

The cameras never shoot outside except for the beginning and the ending. In the beginning it are long shots of the city and a big fire with a lot of calls which makes audiences tense. But the ending, the long shot of outside echos to the opening and it lets audiences release from it.

The red of the outside, and the red of the lamp for connecting in and out, was unforgettable.

It was so well done.
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