Cobra Kai: Head of the Snake (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. That is everything I could have possibly wanted in a finale and more, and while at times it did seem too far-fetched or implausible, melodramatic or maybe a bit overstuffed, it MORE than makes up for it. In its entirety, the abundantly clear thing here, seen in "Head of the Snake" is taking down Cobra Kai! Defeating Terry Silver! But also, bringing them all together, the Warring Dojos! All as allies! It sure did come off as wacky at times, which is GREAT, it is after all still a comedy series, a comedy martial arts drama action. Yes, oftentimes the fight was crowded and there was so much taking place in so little time - come on, there wouldn't be any harm coming out with 15 minutes more, as 48 minutes simply isn't enough, I'm talking episode length - but altogether, I don't mind any of it as it was so GOOD.

And if you thought the school fight or home fight in seasons 2 and 3 finale of Cobra Kai had their sillier, or absurd moments then this probably wins and reigns supreme over both combined, and rightfully so, as this was epic. So epic. There were 1 or 2 kind of out of place, or out of character, moments but what difference does it make, nothing here should've truly been done differently at the end of the day. This finale was just madness, and I loved every moment of it.

This is 1. The darkest and most brutal Cobra Kai episode yet 2. The biggest episode yet. Sure, in time length or whatever, but I mean the scope. The theme. What was taking place. This was a monumental finale. It managed to feel even bigger than the back to back episodes 9 and, episode 10, of season 4 last year. Frankly, I don't see how they can possibly top this one. 3. This was hands down the best finale yet, of the five we have had. 4. As I've said bloodiest/brutal, and darkest yet, this was also the saddest/most heartfelt finale yet, perhaps episode in general. The stuff with Kreese in the beginning.. until we see what that was really about, LMAO. But for sure, there's the stuff with Johnny and the photo of the baby, the amount of beatdowns characters such as Johnny were taking, the stuff with Chozen as well. That is what I'm talking about, again, with bloody and so much more!!

Okay... like.. Sword duals? Sword/blade (my ignorance.. I can't quite remember their names). One of these dudes got his thumb cutoff, Chozen got hurt so bad I stopped blinking, I was speechless! I thought no way is he dead. Barnes and his losses, also sad, and how a broken Barnes comes into it to begin with, this episode. Stuff with students ranging from Kenny to non students Daniel to "students" Stingray again such as even Mitch lol. Mitch double crossing? Daniel doing whatever it takes to take Terry Silver down as we have seen all season and he fights him AGAIN (twice, episode 5 now this), and FINALLY Terry gets BEAT. I mean he was invincible until now. Going on offence, fighting surrounded by all the characters watching. I mean, yes!. Finally. Devin Lee.. Tory Nichols.. Sam LaRusso, they're on the same side now, and that's pretty awesome after waiting a couple years and seeing their rivalry at the early stages to the worst (Tory and Sam). Goodness, I'm so tired folks, but I feel like I'm jumping around whenever something new or else comes to my mind as I write this, right now. While this is supposed to be a review, instead I'm counting it as mostly a collection of everything I have to say after watching this masterpiece of an episode of television, super exhausted, with a myriad of various thoughts hitting left and right and I'm unable to keep it brief or tidy, every last bit of it, so more a talk and blurt session than a review haha.

Before I leave it at that, the stuff with Kreese, very brief, which starts and finishes the episode, was good. Some standout fights is Kim vs Devon Lee/Tory when they're teaming up, and Sam gets involved a bit too. Silver vs Chozen, Daniel vs Terry. Johnny vs the attendance of this year's Royal Rumble (lol seriously the dude takes on like 4-6 guys himself) was madness . We also got a very brief Demetri vs Kyler, like one hit and this was it, but still I loved it. This was pretty much a Royal Rumble this damn episode, like, when they're all battling at the Dojo/Silver's. And there's still so much I wanna mention and talk more about, but I'm exhausted and for now I'll just say this was the best of all 50 episodes. That's right. Cobra Kai best season? 1/5 - I'm going to end up choosing 5. I just had the most fun ever with this one, that's the truth. Best episode? Head of the Snake.

Edit: I'm speaking to you folks a some 3 or 4 days later. You wanna know, I have watched this episode about six times now. I just feel some need to redo my review to some extent, il keep it short & sweet but I'll also keep my original.

Here are my thoughts.

The best moments: protect the egg; Barnes' appearance, as well as the moments in general, they're sooooo great. Barnes/Chozen/Johnny/Daniel altogether? And then Barnes, Chozen and Jonny all go off to face Silver? Dude, this was absolutely absurdly good. As a longtime Karate Kid fan (20 years I think now) seeing this was utterly insane. And I'm glad Mike Barnes is like Chozen. They're completely different guys now, and yet they're both still fantastic fighters, especially Chozen. Chozen vs Silver - Chozen won that fair and square. He only got "beaten" afterwards cuz he was distracted and heard Johnny, and Silver got him when he wasn't looking, cuz no way Silver won! Not to mention,within a second Silver switched from combat by hands and feet to swords, cuz I know he knows he can't beat my man Chozen one on one. Chozen is a better fighter than Terry, he has trained over 30 years and is a teacher. Silver didn't continue training for 30 years he went and played piano and ate tofu on a stick. So yeah; another great moment is they're finished-Cobra Kai is done! The dojo have witnessed the Clip now they're done with Cobra Kai; The second fight between Daniel and Terry. They're excellent here, why? Cuz Daniel is fighting half drunk and Terry is already beaten up. So they're not at their best, yet are such good warriors, you'd not even think differently for a second; I'm not huge on the drama sometimes, but I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic, whatever dude lol. So the moments of confessing their love, Sam & Miguel, it was nice. Very nice after a five seasons buildup. Anthony had another little moment of his own, in doing so kept hold of the tablet to upload it while in the egg circle; Johnny was an absolute machine. Dude got his as@ beat bloody, but still destroyed the, somewhat, four other dudes, barely with any help , just one hit from Barnes and Chozen before he goes after Silver. Johnny was a total machine, great fighter; There were many other excellent moments, il leave in saying one more, and Kreese pulling a Hannibal lector and escaping. This show is so damn far fetched and goofy and silly a lot of the time, and man I love every single moment of it, wholeheartedly.

A couple things I didn't like: stop making Kenny seem like a greatest warrior ever, he is like younger (doesn't really matter but still) and has trained for what, like, six months? He beats Eli because of the Silverbullet move, unaware cuz well, Eli doesn't know of this move. Unexpected, quick. But Eli's attitude was FANTASTIC- that's it. That's life, you win some, you lose some. In life, attitude like that goes a long way, it's inspiring, and it's hopeful. But anyway, he (Kenny) does this move AGAIN to Robby? We know they're better fighters than Kenny, obviously. But they shouldn't have made him look this strong just yet. Great actor and character though; Mitch betraying them, and for what? Everybody is done with Cobra Kai LMFAO, what's he gonna do now? He won't have any friends, idiot; the Crane kick. I don't know why, but I hate the fact Daniel won using that. Every single moment of the fight was electrifying, superb, until that. I think it should have been the pressure point move, and him landing a knockout kick to silvers big ponytail face. Missed opportunity. But was this enough, was any of it enough to minus any points? Still nope. Because the good certainly, absolutely outweighs the weaker moments. The first 10-15 minutes alone give this a 9/10. By the way, Master Kim, her character is cool, and I like the overacting for her character. The way she speaks and her approach is epic, I love the fact that it's slightly overdone. This show is so cheesy, geeky, fun, silly, over the top, epic, dark, fierce, heartfelt, endearing, far fetched, slick, rousing, brilliant and excellent all in one. I think them doing sixth season is good, mostly because while this episode could have been the last one, it was just way too short man, it needed to be at least 60 minutes. So I'd say, maybe, the entirety of the dojos merge together for the Sekai Taikai to win the tournament? Not sure. Anything could happen.

Is this finale still my fave finale? Yes Is it the best finale of Cobra Kai? You're Damn right.

Is it their best season thus far? Yes Standout moments: Johnny seeing the picture of his baby and goes into full machine mode against the sensai, Daniel beats Silver, protect the egg, Kreese escapes, Tory and Sam working together, and basically just any scene with them all working together, when they're at Silver's dojo.

10/10. I don't want them to rush it, cuz we have had 3 seasons in less than 2 years now, which is so amazing. But.. I'd love for them to release season 6 for Christmas 2023. Around December 19th would be... wonderful. Ah saah!
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