Top-notch spaghetti
11 September 2022
"Kill the Wicked!" (that's the title I watched it under) is an excellent spaghetti western. Spaghetti westerns can be hit hit or miss but "Kill the Wicked!" gets a hit on almost ever level. The movie looks great. The sets and locations are just right. The cast is also good with the standouts being Furio Meniconi and Maria Silva. Meniconi delivers a very strong performance and Silva is so wildly dreamy it's impossible to take your eyes off her. The only character that doesn't really work is the old lady. It doesn't work because the actress is obviously much younger than the character. An actress closer to the character's age would have been a lot less distracting. Other than that small demerit, "Kill the Wicked!" was a very satisfying watch that I plan on watching again very soon.
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