Cobra Kai: Head of the Snake (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
Entertain first, entertain hard, show no weakness
11 September 2022
Hope you are not lactose intolerant because the cheese is plenty but all in service to a solid end that pays off what's been set up!

The characters are quirky, sometimes mysterious, yet mostly reasonable. Johnny is the still the G. O. A. T, but seeing him and Danny learn from each other is great. Silver is menacingly mysterious and most of the entertainment comes from seeing him always a step ahead. The "kids" are generally competent actors and consistent, although the fight choreography can sometimes be lacking. Tori is a standout with a rather complex personal life beneath the karate. Still disappointed with Miguel's diminishing role, seeing that he is who got us hooked in season 1. Hope he's centered in the future.

The plot ("big plan") is mostly kept under wraps until much later, which leaves most of the season seemingly aimless. However, a lot of the set up is eventually paid off - the writers kept track on their narrative and tied loose ends. It was not possible to see how they could up the ante from previous seasons, but somehow they did it. There are still A LOT of plot conveniences, hence not a 10/10...

Hopefully the showrunnners read the writing on the wall and end the show on a high note (soon), as it's increasingly difficult to innovate the karate story any other way. But for now, this is a great time capsule from the current day into a mutant child of cheesy 80s film and the contemporary world.
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