Post apocalyptic rollercoaster
8 September 2022
If you're looking for a film that has you invested in the first few minutes this is the film for you. From the amazing mind of writer/director Scott Lyus this is a great film that takes you on a emotional rollercoaster.

The film follows two main characters Blair (Sophia Eleni) & Tommy (Reece Douglas) who are outstanding in their roles, trying to navigate their way across barren land to find each other with nothing but a radio mic to keep them in contact, with batteries running low they have to trust each other to make it through and if that is not enough the whole time they are be tracked by the evil of the shadow in the dark The Forsaken.

From great cinematography to fantastic casting, this is a great film, that shows the strength of humanity in the face of evil. Huge congratulations to Scott Lyus and his cast and crew for a fantastic film.
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