The Flash: The Darkness and the Light (2015)
Season 2, Episode 5
Funny but not the best
5 September 2022
Where this episode doesn't lack is the funny parts. From the Barry\Patty date and Cisco's LIVE reaction to it, to Cisco's line ("Our Dr Wells might have been evil, this one's just a d*ck!"). The story and characters were also interesting, with the cool ending to Cisco's arc and the gang's dynamics with the new Dr Wells. We also are getting more info about Jay Garrick and his backstory, and I think his character is really interesting and not the typical 'fearless mentor'. The dialogue in this felt weird and forced though, and Jay Garrick's actor's acting was not so great this episode. Dr Wells was awesome, though. Overall, an exciting episode that is pretty fun and builds up to what comes next. I will say though that everyone in Central City is super, let me say it, sus, in this episode imo. I suspected Patty to be a doppelganger clone, and same with the girl that Cisco asked out. Crazy tension indeed.
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