more than a commercial
3 September 2022
First, I saw it more than a good comercial. But a realistic portrait of the late Soviet Union in Gorbachev era, early new Russia and the image of the father of perestroika and glasnost.

Sure, the family around the table of Pizza Hut is the main target and tool of seduction.

Because it is pure American propaganda, status defined by dialogue, values, clash between generations and the venerable grandmother defining Pizza Hut as the best thing given by Gorbachev ( ignoring the crisis , socio - economical, more precise ) of 1998.

But the dialogue between characters, pro and against Mikhail Gorbachev, the words of venerable lady and the last "Hail to Gorbachev" is just lovely. At the first sight. Not only for fine job of makers of commercial but for the idealisation of real conflicts of time from Russian society.

Because, indeed,Because of him we have many things Pizza Hut " says more than a commercial can do. It is expression of a sort of cultural conquest.

First, an ex- Soviet leader, with his granddaughter, in Pizza Hut, without guards , without prudence.

Second, the family around the table, the Pizza Hut, like Mac Donald representing, in early "90 years a sort of luxury for many people from East.

Today, after the death of Mikhail Sergeevich and isolation of Russia , this commercial sounds more than powerful. Not as pledge for Pizza Hut ( who is not present in Russia after february 2022 ) but as a fresco of near reality, old hopes and enthusiasmus and skeptikism,the manner to see Russia of Americans , the attitude of a venerable lady in new realities, not ignoring the bitter experiences of the past and the young man and his admirable perspective about a better present.

Short, a historical short film about states of reality and soul.
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