Nearest and Dearest: Cindernellie (1972)
Season 7, Episode 1
Walter as a fairy Queen, I have no words, funny as.
3 September 2022
A drunken Eli gives away the Christmas club money to producer Rupert Tempest, only to find out that he's a bit of a swindler.

Very funny, this really was a Christmas cracker, it's a little slow to start but once it gets going it really does become super funny.

It's almost like a pantomime on the small screen, with the whole cast throwing themselves right in, Baker truly embraces the opportunity to shine, and show off her enormous personality.

That scene where Walter walks on to the set, I genuinely spat my coffee out, in all my years, I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it, credit to Malin for doing it, that look on his and Baker's face, that was quite something.

Funny costumes, it's an array of grotesques, but Walter though!!!! I think I need a strong coffee after that.

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