Aesthetically and musically pleasing, with a good intro to many characters
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With that budget, it does not come as a surprise that this first episode is visually gorgeous. Tolkien's epic fantasy is back, and it is colorful and stunning and I am excited to get many more episodes of this. Musically, I am already blown away by several of the musical themes, and I honestly can't wait to dive deep into the soundtrack (but I may wait until the first season is over to do so).

Story wise, this first episode does a great job seeing up its world and characters. I came in only knowing Galadriel and Elrond, as I haven't read most of Tolkien's work, but have grown attached to many of the characters we just discovered. Nori the harfoot is cute in her curiosity, and the ending of the first episode got me concerned about her fate. Theo, Bronwyn's son, has found something that he probably should not have touched. I am deeply invested into Galadriel's fight. I know many more characters have still to be introduced, and I am excited to get to see them.

It may sounds cheesy on paper, but I appreciate what was done with the map of the Middle Earth. Since we are jumping between places, it's nice to visualize where everything is.

This episode ends with signs that a darkness just woke up again in this world. Let's now see how our characters deal with it.
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