A decent film but should of been more
30 August 2022
A film all should give a watch, but simply in some areas it over did things and in others it underworked things. Could have been a really top film, by being a little darker with back story and losing some of the Hollywood shots. All in all a good film for a Friday night with your partner and some popcorn,.......................

This review is making me write more due to lack of characters but feel it is not needed as you should just give it a watch, I think my review is adequate enough to entice people but not to spoil thank you very much imd lol.

A film all should give a watch, but simply in some areas it over did things and in others it underworked things. Could have been a really top film, by being a little darker with back story and losing some of the Hollywood shots. All in all a good film for a Friday night with your partner and some popcorn,.......................

This review is making me write more due to lack of characters but feel it is not needed as you should just give it a watch, I think my review is adequate enough to entice people but not to spoil thank you very much imd lol.
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