Just when i thought TWD franchise couldnt get any worse...
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...they never cease to disappoint me again.

The whole concept of TWD is simple: the world as we know it has ended, the dead walk among us, and the living are in constant survival mode and in never ending struggle to find shelter, food, and supplies. Example: the movie "The Road".

Why the writers and directors seem to always ignore / forget that when they make these episodes is beyond me.

They characters never show any typical characteristics of human beings who have PTSD, lack nutrition, suffer from insomnia etc. Anybody who has survived the zombie apocalypse this long has either lost their minds and look like homeless people (no offense) we see in real life or is holed up in some bunker having conversations with themselves or they have a soccer ball named Wilson like Tom Hanks in Cast Away.

In TWD its the opposite: they all look healthy and "hollywood"attractive as if they just came from a beauty salon and fitness center and act as they're in lala land and have no basic instinct (first episode: motor cycle guy rides over nails and spikes, gets off his bike and walks into another trap... like "are you for real?!"

TWD series has become unoriginal, uneventful, unchallenging, and just down right unacceptable.
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