Cue Ball Cat (1950)
Billiards is much more fun if Tom and Jerry are at the party!
27 August 2022
Most Tom and Jerry Cartoons from the 1950s are classics, Some are Infamous like His Mouse Friday for showing Indigenous stereotypes and others are Remembered like The Two Mousekeeters for being excellent, Cue Ball Cat falls into the Perfect Category, Perfection always makes an appearance in this Abysmally Violent Cartoon.

The violence is at its maximum splendor, Jerry is beaten and tormented in a thousand and one ways and in the end Tom receives what he deserves, although the truth is that Tom causes much more damage than he received, but equally, it is a great caricature with a simple idea It gives us a lot of laughs!.

The Animation is still at the Top, it looks glorious as well as the beautifully detailed Backgrounds, the Movements are Flawless as are the character designs, this truly is Tom and Jerry at its Best moment.

The Music, as is not to be expected, is Fun and great, as there are many chases in this short, the Music always offers an important role in terms of Fun, and of course, in laughter too!.

Cue Ball Cat is a Great Cartoon, a plot so simple was turned into a 7-Minute Audiovisual wonder, although quite violent, it does not reach the degree of cruelty of the Gene Deitch Era, here the Violence is Cartoonish and although used excessively, is what characterizes Tom and Jerry and that's what makes them great!.

In itself, one of my Tom and Jerry Favorites and an Animation Jewel of the 50s, This is Tom and Jerry at its Best and at the same time, one of its best shorts! Without thinking I would place this in my Top 20 favorites of the series.

For everything I said above, Cue Ball Cat gets a 10.
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