Review of Me Time

Me Time (2022)
Entertaining 😀
26 August 2022
To say it's a masterpiece or a must see would be a lie. It is what it is. Kevin Hart being Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg shining in his new role in Hollywood as a straight man. Very funny at moments and a good movie to kick back with! We need more comedy these days as almost everything out there is death dealing or something horrible! This movie is predictable and obvious but it is generally a good flick. If you're a fan of Kevin Hart then u will love the movie. If you're a Wahlberg fan you will wonder why he is playing the side guy in his recent movies. Still kinda funny but I'm pretty sure I have seen this story arc at least a couple of dozen times over the years. Wahlberg seems to be doing better in these comedic roles as he is generally funny and it's cool to see Hart starring in a movie that does not have The Rock standing next to him!
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