Prophet of suspense
24 August 2022
James Neilson directed twelve episodes of 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents', some good, some not so good though none terrible certainly. Have liked EG Marshall and Jack Klugman in other things, with more familiarity actually with Klugman. Did like the premise, but was a bit worried about it being based around a gimmick. Have seen a lot of films and television episodes revolving around gimmicks, and not all worked with some being very interesting and well done and others too gimmicky and indulgent.

Luckily "Mail Order Prophet" is in the former category and it has to be said too that Season 3 has in my opinion had a mostly quite strong first half and its quality better than the previous two seasons' first halves. Was near-bowled over by the previous episode "The Glass Eye", and this episode "Mail Order Prophet" has been every bit as good (if not quite one of the best episodes of the series). Also think that it is an episode that is not appreciated enough, if anybody is worried about it revolving around a gimmick, having seen films or television episodes revolving around them and not doing them, don't worry as this is one that does it well. So well in fact that this reviewer actually forgot there was a gimmick momentarily.

There is actually not really anything wrong, though the ending is not an ingenious one or one that stays in the mind forever.

Marshall and Klugman give note perfect performances however that balance humour and mystery beautifully. They sound like an odd couple together on paper and their characters are very different but actually they gel together like a fine wine and moist cheese (hoping that is a compliment). The script is a very clever one that is both funny and tense with no signs of rambling. Neilson's direction is controlled and taut and the suspense flows nicely.

Script wise, it is a good mix of light-hearted and tautly suspenseful, meaning that it doesn't take itself too seriously in a witty and hearty way while not treating it as a joke. The story is slight but still intriguing and suspenseful, with no dull stretches. Hitchcock's bookending entertains, while the episode is slickly made and the theme tune is suitably haunting.

Overall, great and a case of different done well. 9/10.
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