Reality Check
22 August 2022
Matt does an amazing job of letting the content do the talking, and I think that what's people need to see.

And the content of this documentary told me that there is a disconnect from reality and, alarmingly, the disconnect is perpetuated by people in positions of authority; doctors, surgeons, professors, etc.

At one point, Matt asks a pediatrician whether 4 year old children believe that Santa Claus is real and the doctor says "yes". Matt then asks the pediatrician that if a 4 year old believes that Santa Claus is real, can they distinguish reality from fiction/are they capable of understanding gender identity (I'm paraphrasing), and the doctor literally said "Santa Claus does deliver presents to them".

Just pause for a second and take this in. A pediatrician responsible for supporting children genuinely thinks that adults should allow children (who believe in Santa Claus) to dictate their gender identity.

This is but one example of many from the documentary that demonstrated a widespread issue that, we as a society, need to address (with open and honest debate). Many people are brainwashed from a young age by delusional people in positions of authority, and we are heading down a dangerous path if we don't speak out against it.

Thank you Matt, this is a documentary that society needs.
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