Westworld: Que Será, Será (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
Why the low rating?
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I'm confused, I realize this isn't the greatest episode of the series, but the 1/10 ratings are just stupid, there's no way you can say with a straight face that you didn't like a single thing about the episode, it's actually a pretty decent episode, I liked the twist with Dolores, Charlotte having a small bit of redemption at the end was nice to see, Caleb and Frankie saying goodbye was sad to see but yet made sense as he didn't want her last memories of him being how he broke down and became unable to function properly, all around pretty decent episode with a few small issues.

Going into this episode after having seen the ratings I expected a terrible episode, but it wasn't that bad, definitely a lot better than Season 3, people just need to let their expectations that 'Westworld will go back to Season 1 quality' go because we're never ever gonna get that type of quality again, having Season 2 quality might be the best we can hope for for Season 5.
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