The Twilight Zone: Long Distance Call (1961)
Season 2, Episode 22
Not the best call to make
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a better episode, except for two factors. First, it was filmed on video tape, which gave it a cheap, unappealing look. Second, the casting of some unlikeable, unappealing actors. Billy Mumy was the greatest child actor of all time. However, even Billy's participation adds only so much. Philip Abbott was acceptable as the father. Nothing more. The unlikeable, unappealing actors are, specifically, the mother and grandmother. Patricia Smith, as the mother, had a facial expression that never changed. It would have been better if her expression had changed. Lili Darvis, as the grandmother, was the biggest flop of all. She was both unlikeable and ineffectual in the part. The story of the boy talking to his dead grandmother on a toy telephone is creepy. Different actresses as the mother and grandmother might have made a big difference. Billy Mumy couldn't carry the whole show by himself.
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