Review of Prey

Prey (I) (2022)
Lets Prey they don't make a follow up to this one
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers here folks.....

Here we go again, more Hollywood big types thinking they know everything tat everyone in the worlds wants to see in a movie and can put together a fresh take on an old property that will appeal to everyone in 2020 without offending anyone. Sure, why not? That's always worked...right?

Prey starts out like Dancing with Wolves, scenic vistas and the Comanche Nation going about their lives, until we meet the main character then the plot becomes, 'You said I can't, so I'm going to prove I can and be damned all the people who die selflessly because of it, I'm better than all of you and you're going to see because I'm going to force you to see." - That's it. We've seen it a million times... Spoiled kid thinks she's better than everyone else and will prove it no matter the cost on everyone else plot line. The Predator is just there to help sell tickets.

I sat through the whole hour 40, fast forwarding through some scenes, cringing at most all to see if there was a payoff at the end. Was there? I mean honestly, was there? When you have to dumb down the ultimate killing machine to match the wits of someone from the 1700s all you do is cheat the game.

I do need to gripe, and since you're here, let me unload......

0-The acting, my god it was amateurish. Not well done at all, it's like they hired everyone who ticked off all the boxes they had but didn't hire anyone who could actually ACT. The CGI

1-Once I saw the title in the sky like that, I knew I was in for it. With the title that way it instantly went down to Wal-Mart $5 bin movie. Maybe they should have gone the Batgirl direction with this one?

2-Lights in the sky and loud noises, think nothing of it. No reason to be scared or fear our gods are angry, we're primitive people, but we're also intelligent by 2020 standards so there's obviously a logical explanation for it.

3-I get the Predator can turn itself invisible, I get that, but for over 75% of the movie? And during fight scenes? You can't see half of what's going on onscreen because they pan behind the invisible Predator so you get blurry views of parts of the move that are supposed to be tense of pointing out clues.

4-The Predator, combined screen time (and I'm adding in the invisible scenes which is the bulk of the movie) 5 maybe 10 minutes. Why even bother?

5-The CGI. Holy crap was it bad! You could tell that the animals were animated no matter what they did, sit, run, growl, makes the CGI Rock in the Scorpion King look like it should have won Academy Awards.

6-The characters. There were none you wanted to root or care for. For some reason we're supposed to feel bad for the main girl Naru, but she was so selfish, self-centered and delusional that you hate her straight off. The men in the tribe are so mean and full of themselves and their egos that you don't care if they die. The mother medicine woman was so 2 faced that she was unlikable as well. I would have rooted for the Predator but I didn't see him half the time!

7-Is Naru superman or something? She can walk through a camp of French hunters with guns and knives, fight ever single on one by one and no one touches or even puts a scratch on her? Goes up against the Predator and nothing bad happens to her but almost dies because she's (obviously) sitting in waist high mud?

8-And just to show how much better she is than everyone else she keeps getting smarter and smarter! Is told once by mouth how to use a gun and instantly she's an expert. Strange creature trying to kill me, I saw then use their weapons once and now I'm an expert on alien technology. Need to fight the alien with my axe, that's cool because suddenly I'm Q from James Bond and just fix it up to be the ultimate weapon. Got caught in a metal trap I've never seen before, no problem, I'm now an expert on what they are and how to use them to my advantage.

9-She claims to be smarter and better than everyone thinks she is and keeps trying to prove it, yet every situation she found herself in was caused by her! From the bear, to the lion, to her brother dying, to every other warrior dying to the quicksand/swamp thing. She was the reason those things happened; it wasn't coincidence!

10-The Predator keeps getting clawed or bit and seems to bleed all over the place, yet they only find a small bit of its blood on a leaf. Where's it all going? From the looks of things there should be a trail of green leading allover those woods.

11-The Ending, that was terrible. It seemed like they ran out of ideas and needed to show that the girl won really quick so they tacked that on for good measure. It served no purpose.

12-So she's a warrior now and no one is going to question where all the other warriors are? Where's your brother? - Nope, you proved us wrong! We love you and fully accept you now without question.

13-The jokes didn't land at all and were worthless. And for a movie that was supposed to be a prequel and its own thing that shouldn't be judged by the other movies since this is a new fresh take on the property, they sure had no problem recycling a line from the first movie into an awkward scene.

14-That awkward scene, Seriously, they're tied to a tree (not that well if they can slide down easily) in the middle of this huge fight going on around them and they have a 5-minute conversation all the while nothing hits or happens to them and she (during all the carnage) get out scratch free and looking better than they did when they were there.

I really could go on but I'll spare you.

In short, the idea for this movie probably looked awesome on paper and in story boards but on screen is just as stale as all the hundreds of other 'New retellings' Hollywood has come out with. You can change the franchise, the characters and situations but the same storylines are getting tiresome.

I dare Hollywood to explain to me how this is better than Predators or The Predator or even AVP: Requiem.
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