The Gray Man (2022)
Somewhere between terrible and dumb
7 August 2022
Despite an all-star cast and established directors and a good budget, the movie manages to be very much of the "low" side of mediocre. Yes, it has all the things you'd expect; action, shoot-outs, a bad guy who is very nasty but despite all of that, it managed to be very lackluster. The movie doesn't all-out suck but it falls so very far short of where I think a movie with that cast, crew and budget should be that it sucks.

This is topped off by something that is increasingly not just poor, but infuriating and, frankly starts to become insulting. In the same way Hollywood, even in 2022, portrays anything to do with computers as an army of monitors and complete gibberish flying over all the screens, Hollywood continues to think all European cities are a 20 minute drive away from all the other European cities. I am sorry to inform Hollywood of this, but Europe is geographically quite similarly sized as the USA and has about 50% more population. You don't drive much of anywhere in 20 minutes. Berlin to Vienna? 8 hours without traffic; it's the same as Boston to Washington DC.

How hard is it really to portray every-day things more realistically?
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