Signora Volpe (2022– )
If you love Italy
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you love Italy, especially the beauty of the Perugia and Umbria regions, you'll be enchanted by the settings and compositions of the scenes in this series. The series could otherwise be described as a British soap with a spy-detective plot running through it. The protagonist, Ms Fox (Senora Volpe in Italian), makes a decision to retire early from MI6 and move to a small town in central Italy where she still draws on her intelligence service resources to solve crimes and mysteries. She also seems to have an extensive wardrobe of fashionable clothing at her disposal, as any self-respecting MI6 operative must have. There is also the budding of an implausible romance between Ms Fox and the local head of the Carabinieri, just to add the touch of a love angle. And last but not least, the creators have placed the story squarely in the solid chick flick genre by having Ms Fox buy a tumbledown old farm house to renovate in the "Under the Tuscan Sun" tradition.
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