Review of Cold Call

Cold Call (2019)
This is a good offbeat British Drama
6 August 2022
I gave it an extra star for all the party poopers who gave it a low ranking because they didn't like the ending. Or thought it was too this or too that.

It's Just Right, Goldilocks!

It is a a bit off beat and does not contain one car chase or gun fight.

And it IS exactly what you'd want to do if someone stole all your money - but you wouldn't think of actually doing it.

The sleazy guys are just that - but British. None posh but one Scot.

Some reviewers panned the ending. It was "interesting". In a good way, I thought. Realistic? No. But none of this series is, so it fits right in - in a good way.

If you want to see a little good guy go after a bad guy that you can cheer on - this is a series for you.
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