The Sandman (2022– )
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sandman is one of my favorite comics of all time I bought issue number one over thirty years ago at a local comic book store. I've also recently purchased the excellent two part fully casted audio play.

Having said that, I feel that this adaptation missed the mark. I'm not going to go into too many details, nor am I going to make this a treatise on wokeness.

I'll just say that some scenes completely missed the mark. The first episode was rushed. For some reason, the creators did not fully capture the quintessence of Dream's imprisonment, and the impact it had upon him & civilization. Another issue I had was the punishment Dream placed upon his captor. Where was the eternal waking nightmare into nightmare into nightmare? Why would Neil Gaiman agree to a rushed first episode, which sets the tone for the whole show? From there we get an incongruous narrative with flashes of greatness and mediocrity in equal measure.

The Corinthian is an interesting character, so it only makes sense that they would expand his screen presence. Even though it deviates from canon, I can deal with it. Death's portrayal was pretty good. Remember, I'm focusing on the merits of performance and nothing else.

However, I did have an issue with the actor playing Lucifer. In my opinion, she did not do the role justice. I don't think her chops were up to par. Especially after hearing Michael Sheen's Lucifer performance in the Sandman audioplay. It's brilliant and beyond superb. And then there's Patton Oswalt's insufferable voiceover for Matthew. Matthew was supposed to be hardened, rough around the edges guy. Patton Oswalt's performance does not exude hardened in any way, shape, or form.

Sandman isn't a bad show, but it isn't a great one either, which I find disappointing. Although I'm elated that it was given life on the big screen, this adaptation doesn't hold a candle to the audioplay or comic.
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