Lost in Space: The Lost Civilization (1966)
Season 1, Episode 27
Nonsensical spin on 'Sleeping Beauty'
5 August 2022
Will and the robot fall into the domain of an underground civilisation where they discover a sleeping princess that Will, at the robot's instance, awakens with a kiss only to discover that he has set in motion an alien invasion of Earth. Like last week's 'Midas' themed episode, this tale taps into a fable - Sleeping Beauty - but then veers into some nonsensical space-politics. The premise is ridiculous (even by LiS standards) and the writer has given little thought to addressing even rudimentary questions like where is the light coming from in the caverns, but the quick glance of a 'frozen' army is an example of the series' better special effects shots. Kym Karath is cute in a TV-sort-of-way as the princess (too bad she didn't get together with her 'von Trapp family' sibling' Angela Cartwright and sing a duet about going to bed) but as the wicked Major Domo, Royal Dano, in classic 'Fu-Manchu yellow face', is just silly. Will's interactions with the robot continue to anthropomorphise and John and Don continue their slide into secondary character-status (even when Dr. Smith isn't around to gobble up the scenery).
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