Review of Prey

Prey (I) (2022)
Not as bad the anti-woke brigade are making out
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The high score reviews here are most likely paid-for promotions, but the low-score anti-woke reviews are equally unfair.

I think the main negative for the film would be why do Hollywood insist on making films based on the assumption that the viewing demographic is composed entirely of slightly-overweight teenage girls of mixed race - none of whom, I suspect, would ever watch a film like this?

I suspect some of the low score reviews are also by people who have not actually seen the film. For example, it's a MOUNTAIN LION!!! Not an African Lion! They are native to North America! What's the problem?

The Good:

1. The creature SFX are excellent.

2. The heroine is suitably kick-ass, although not very plausible. The film's critics continually pick on her fighting skills, which develop as the film progresses, but I thought that was reasonably well handled - she's inexperienced, she gets better. OK.

3. Nice cinematography of what looks like the Pacific Northwest.

4. The fight scenes are well-choreographed and gory.

5. There's a dog in it.

The Bad

1. Quite apart from the pretty unlikely plot, the film has no suspense or tension whatsoever. The script is lifeless, and not helped by injections of native Comanche and native French (equally incomprehensible). The direction is sound - but somehow lacking. There is no build-up. No sense of menace. One never feels the heroine is in real danger. Certainly, one feels no sympathy for the Indian Braves as they are mown down like skittles in a bowling alley.

2. We all know exactly what's going to happen - nothing new on that front. No plot twists at all.

3. The animal SFX, particularly the bear, are mediocre.

4. The native American Indian background stuff is plain ridiculous.

5. The heroine looks exactly like Violet, the daughter out of The Incredibles. I'm sure that isn't a coincidence - but does raise the question how many young girls (or young men, to pacify the woke brigade) who wanted to be like Violet will watch this film?

6. Apart from the heroine, there is a conspicuous absence of acting ability.

I have always been a great fan of the first three Predator films, and AVP (which I thought was pretty good even though the critics panned it.)

This film is nowhere near as good as any of those four, but certainly stands head and shoulders above The Predator (2018) and AVP: Requiem (2007)
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