Into the Deep (2022)
Lead actor is awful, people arent understand the very simple plot, easy watch for a lazy Friday
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I dont understand some of the reviews they clearly dont understand the very simple plot. Heres the gist of it.... A girl meets a man who ends up drugging her (you dont know this at the time) on waking up they are out at sea, shortly after some romances they rescue a woman whos on a jet ski, after leaving you guessing who can trust by putting you in Jess's shoes, dodgy characters & suspicious behaviour .. its revealed its the man whos been drugging women repeatedly and assaulting them, taking photos as souvenirs, the woman who was rescued (lexi) was one of these women, who planned to board the ship with a cover story in order to get revenge, she had marked her face in hopes it would disguise her along with changing her hair colour, he doesnt recognise her (as hes done it to alot of women) the ending is a happy one. Jess goes back to the boat after it blowing up as she thinks she can maybe saver ( she wasnt able to save her mother from drowning) jess feels like it could be closure however the boat explodes again but lexi tirns up near the jet ski, the mans body is left on the boat and they go off into the sun set/rise as it wear.

Its not going to be memorable, the lead actor is just cringe and so overdramatic but so are the other two, its a good watch for a Friday night takeaway of your also the sort to browse on your phone.
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