The Hidden II (1993)
A hidden film in more obscurity of story
1 August 2022
HIDDEN 2 does have it fair share of problems. It takes straight on from what we left off, so we got 'pulls no punches action', but then we got two many levels of story, really trying to work the whole thing. Although it really does have a good and much more complex story, we get muddled in it's complexity. To simplify it, we have a really good looking guy, inside good alien, who was once in Nouri's body, but had aged Nouri, and drained him of former energy from Maclachlan's character. In this fresh trashy chapter, we have a few little alien slugs about. Good looking guy, a lead who has great presence, is the only one who can stop it, and teams up with Nouri's daughter, (Hodge) to kick some alien arse. Yes, there's a lot of noisy action, and some comic scenes, reminiscent of the original, this time involving an alien filled bum. Of course, not matching the exciting original, this is a darker film, with a lot of night scenes, and our alien human falls in love too. Worth a lot, despite many angry watches out there.
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