Babylon 5: The Fall of Centauri Prime (1998)
Season 5, Episode 18
A sad chapter for Londo's character
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was very good, but it was indeed saddening to see what had happened to Londo. The notion of the Drakh being the puppet-masters of the emperor, and, of course, having all the power in the world yet not having any choices, is pretty depressing to see. It is heartbreaking to see Londo used in the way that he is in this episode, that he has no choice in anything he does. Even the way Peter Jurrasik portrays Londo conveys a sense of sadness and fatigue, a sense of utter defeat. It was quite sad to see this character, who we knew and loved and, sometimes, hated across the 5 seasons of this show turn into this, a mere puppet of scheming masters. Jurrasik's performance, as I touched upon earlier, is simply astonishing. It's touching, bleak, and probably the height of his acting.

I think that this episode ties the mysteries of this season up pretty well, but there are still many unresolved things. That being said, I am aware of a novel trilogy based on the notes of JMS that expands and resolves this arc, and I am looking forward to reading it, as I really feel that some of the threads are unresolved.
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