Absolutely pointless exercise of a deader than a dead horse anime company previously responsable for toy commercials transformed into masterpieces of animation
26 July 2022
In faithfully adapting a crappy serial manga as it is in two movies, which is completely and utterly idiotic on all fronts. But hey, I've been a moonie for five months only and it really seems the fandom is Star Wars level of retardness, so they don't care of the quality of what they watch, they see Tsukino Usagi on the cover art, they think SM and that's it, they eat EVERYTHING no matter the quality of the product in question (SM tampons everyone?). Again, like Crystal or, for what matters, ANY continuation of these franchises past their due time - especially the ones "closer to the manga" because the major anime companies can save money while pretending to gather to the drooling masses of the manga elitists - this simply must be avoid AT ALL COSTS. Crystal, Eternal, The Hades Chapter from Saint Seiya, they're all bad and for a reason. Stay away from this dreck like pest.
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