Phoenix Rising (2022– )
An animated, elaborate hit piece
24 July 2022
Not only has it come to light that Ashley Morgan Smithline been coerced into lying for these people, but Esme Bianco, Illma Gore and Evan have managed to create a baseless story, pieced together with the help of the once-credible Amy Berg, to create a film that strongly relies on the audience's response to the #metoo movement.

There will be a strong percentage of survivors who watch this and believe it, based on emotion and personal experience. Some may remember the 90s and even fear Manson, based on his excessive stage presence and reputation, his ghostwritten book, and media campaigns to project him into superstardom. Stage presences aren't real, and neither is this. Phoenix Rising is designed to play with your emotions. I have been paying close attention since the accusations against this man were put against him and nothing ever made sense. It's only coming out now, with legal documentation to back up the falsehoods, proving there was never an FBI investigation. Everything you see is a lie.

Phoebe Bridgers was never at a party, but went with her friend's parents to see Manson, because she was a fan. The meeting was in regard to Manson being on Sons of Anarchy. The parents of her friend Jackson White are Katey Sagal & Kurt Sutter. His description of the specific room he is accused of talking about, would have been at a casual business meeting. This was the basis for a large part of this whole story.

More and more information is being released, and while Evan is ever the victim, the true target here, is a man who has long been used as a scapegoat. I am a balanced person, who doesn't take anything at face value.

As a woman and survivor of abuse, inflicted on my by my own narcissistic and violent mother, I would suggest any survivors view this with a sceptical eye. Women lie too and do it well.

I am so disappointed and disgusted to see Amy Berg behind this. I assumed she was someone she clearly isn't, and her part will forever change the way I see her work; unreliable, poorly researched and an elaborate hit piece. I'm deeply saddened to say this, but I could never trust her again.
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