Station Eleven: Wheel of Fire (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
An episode so bad I won't finish the series
23 July 2022
Straight after having finished the book, I watched this episode. Within 15 minutes, I was completely turned off by the writing, acting, and casting.

How hard would have been to have Jeevan attempt CPR, rather than having him come off as a complete idiot who just runs on-stage thinking he can help by doing absolutely nothing? And we're supposed to believe his doctor of a sister, so concerned about this new virus that she calls him in the middle of a hectic ER to warn him to blockade himself with their brother, is just walking around not wearing a mask during a very contagious pandemic while barking snarky orders at people and coughing directly onto her hand? And somehow, 5 carts of groceries adds up to $10k? I know it's Canada and stuff is expensive there, but come on. And then Jeevan goes from "I don't want to 'kidnap' you during this armagheddon scenario, so take a cab if you want" to telling the most unbelievable lie in the history of lying in the span of 5 seconds? And of course the blatant affirmative action casting of Miranda. Just a shoddy job all around.
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